Saskatchewan’s Premiere Live Music and
Alternative Drag Show!

Show Format

Peyote Ugly consists of 3 sets:

  • SET ONE: 8-10 Drag Performances (30-45 Min)

  • SET TWO: Featured Band (45-60 Min)

  • SET THREE: Final Drag Set (30-45 Min)

Peyote Ugly is an event geared towards the alternative crowd. You can expect to hear rock, punk, folk, metal or any combinations of those genres. The goal of the show is to allow performers to listen to their inner monster and let them show the art they want to perform.

Previous bands include: Alien to The Ignorant, Sons in the Sky, Pop Pop Vernac, Suiciety and Grimelda.

Who is

Opal Hoggarth is the owner and promoter for Slimy Productions, but also the hostess of Peyote Ugly.

Known as Lala Bottome (pronounced La-Lobotomy), Lala started drag in 2015 and has made a name for theirselves in Regina with their combination of alternative music and darker and alternative make up.

They started Peyote Ugly out of the need and desire to create a space for fellow drag monsters and alternative performers to expand their creativity and have a place to perform and most importantly - get paid.

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